
LCD CNC circular shaker

Features and advantages

Dual LCD screens, displaying time and speed respectively

Compact structure and small footprint

The shaking table oscillates smoothly and uniformly

The maximum load capacity of O330 is 7.5kg (including fixtures), with an oscillation speed of 100-500 rpm; The maximum load capacity of O180 is 2.5kg (including fixtures), and the oscillation speed is 100-800rpm

Continuous or timed operation mode

Maintenance free DC brushless motor

Equipped with safety speed protection function

Multiple brackets and fixtures to choose from

Connect to a computer via RS232 interface to transmit data

The dedicated ShakerPC software is available for free download, allowing for the setting of instrument parameters on a computer

Real time display of working curves


Can be used for continuous shaking of culture dishes, flasks, triangular flasks, etc. Suitable for ventilation reactions and lifting Take the application. It can be used in environmental testing chambers or carbon dioxide incubators.