
EcoVac Economical small vacuum aspirator

Features and advantages

Small and portable, it can be used on the laboratory table, in the clean bench, or even under the laboratory table

The handle is simple and flexible to operate, and it can easily switch between continuous and manual aspiration modes, reducing hand fatigue and improving aspiration efficiency

The self-locking plug of the collection bottle equipped with a hydrophobic filter can prevent aerosol and liquid contamination in the laboratory environment

Brushless motor, low noise, long life

Different adapters can match a variety of laboratory consumables

Parts through which waste liquid flows can support high temperature and high pressure sterilization

The vacuum adjustment device with indicator light can support a variety of different applications


EcoVac is suitable for any application scenario where the waste liquid treatment volume is less than 2L. It is widely used to collect or remove liquids in applications such as microbial molecular protein cells (such as RNA/DNA extraction, protein immunoblotting, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, etc.), and can be used with a variety of commonly used experimental consumables.